Business Tips

Google Pays for YouTube Song Views – No Partnership?

In this video, DJ Aborigin EL talks about how Google pays you for YouTube song views without the Partnership. Yes, rappers and beat makers can get checks from Google WITHOUT being apart of the YouTube Partnership Program.

Anyone who is familiar with the YouTube Partnership Program knows that the program falls under the per view of Google Adsense. No one knows better than a YouTube partner – musician; that Google pays you for YouTube song views, i.e. streams.

Having said that, I can also say without a doubt that if you’ve been online, you’ve for sure seen a website or even a blog that has ads embedded in different parts of the blog or site.

Guess what! 99% of the time, it is Google Adsense who is overseeing that. That’s how DJ Aborigin EL gets paid for his YouTube videos containing his beats that are embedded on our official Put It Out There TV Productions website.

To make matters better, Google Adsense pays rappers and beat makers more money for their YouTube views when the videos are embedded in their blogs and websites than they pay for views on the actual YouTube site.

Currently, Google Adsense pays 68% of the ad revenue to rappers and beat makers who have their own blogs and websites.

Therefore, if you are a rapper and/or beat maker who has their own blog and/or website, you should immediately apply for a Google Adsense account by visiting here.

Once you finally meet the YouTube Partnership criteria; you can use the same Google Adsense account you applied for on YouTube channel. That way you get paid for views on YouTube and you blog/website.

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